


2016; 24(1): 1-3.
Examination of the relation between low back pain and individual practice content of college baseball players
2016; 24(1): 4-9.
The factors affecting the gleno-humeral horizontal extension angle of maximum external rotation of the shoulder during the throwing motion
小山太郎,宮下浩二,松下 廉
2016; 24(1): 10-16.
Lower limb muscle strength in a group of female freestyle unicyclists
津山 薫,中嶋寛之
2016; 24(1): 17-23.
第 1肋骨疲労骨折の臨床的特徴
Clinical characteristics of first rib stress fractures
五嶋謙一,澤口 毅,小林尚史,島 洋祐,柳下昌史,中村立一,北岡克彦,中瀬順介,土屋弘行
2016; 24(1): 24-28.
Differences in knee valgus angle due to the direction of single-leg hoppin
伊藤 渉,加賀谷善教,川原 貴
2016; 24(1): 29-35.
Sports injuries in university women’s baseball players
鳥居昭久,米田 實
2016; 24(1): 36-43.
Pelvic tilt angle in the wind-up phase of baseball pitching, and the relation of functional factors
2016; 24(1): 44-50.
Isokinetic muscle strength parameters of return to sports after knee anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction surgery
―Target value of muscle strength related to gender and sports level―
田中龍太,今屋 健,藤島理恵子,中山誠一郎,川村麻衣子,内山英司
2016; 24(1): 51-57.
Investigation of ankle sprain in university female soccer players
2016; 24(1): 58-65.
Rugby Finger Injuries Comparison with thumb injuries between professional players and high school players
熊谷 洋,田中利和,小川 健,落合直之
2016; 24(1): 66-70.
Drop vertical jump におけるハムストリングスの着地前筋活動と着地中の膝関節外反角度および外反モーメントとの関係
The relationship between pre-landing activation of the hamstring muscles and the knee valgus angle or moment during landing in a drop vertical jump task
生田亮平,石田知也,山中正紀,谷口翔平,上野 亮,越野裕太,寒川美奈,遠山晴一
2016; 24(1): 71-77.
Clinical Outcomes and Return to Sports after Medial Patellofemoral Ligament Reconstruction in Athletes
梅原弘基,蟹沢 泉,細川智也,黒川 純,宝亀 淳,土屋明弘
2016; 24(1): 78-83.
唾液 SIgA によるライフセーバーのコンディション評価
Evaluation of the condition of lifesavers using salivary SIgA
荒井宏和,清水和弘,大槻 毅,花岡裕吉,前田清司,渡部厚一
2016; 24(1): 84-92.
陳旧性後脛骨筋腱断裂に対し薄筋腱の移植を行い,スポーツ復帰を果たした1 例について
Return to competitive sports after a free gracilis tendon graft for chronic transvers rupture of the posterior tibial tendon
内山英司,田原圭太郎,深井 厚,後藤秀隆
2016; 24(1): 93-96.
アメリカンフットボール選手に生じた脳振盪によるSCAT2 スコアの短期的推移
Short-term change in the SCAT2 score after concussion in an American football player
2016; 24(1): 97-100.
長腓骨筋腱新鮮完全断裂に対しReversed-Free-Tendon-Flap 法での治療経験
Repair of complete rupture of the peroneus longus tendon using a reversed free tendon flap method
内山英司,山口 玲,朔 伊作,深井 厚,後藤秀隆
2016; 24(1): 101-105.
等尺性膝伸展筋力測定中に発生した腰椎圧迫骨折の1 例
Lumbar Compression Fracture due to Maximum Isometric Knee Contraction: Case Report
中畑晶博,湯朝友基,江本 玄
2016; 24(1): 106-110.
プロサッカーチームにおける過去6 年間に発生した内科的疾患の検討
Retrospective study of Illness in a Japanese professional soccer team over the previous six years
大沼 寧,小関大平,山本 純
2016; 24(1): 111-114.